Business Architecture is an emerging critical corporate activity, a strategic planning tool that constructs the most valuable asset of the organization.
We help organizations with a holistic view of business capabilities across the functional and operational boundaries, assist in planned growth through blueprinting of the business from business objectives, goals, strategies, its linkage to business processes, targets, operations, business policies, business rules.
Business Architecture is evolving internationally in response to a demand for greater business-oriented control over transformation, including technology-based initiatives that have historically failed to deliver despite major investment.
Our business architects provide organization’s business leaders with clear anatomy of the business’s current, interim, and future states, guiding and auditing the implementation of initiatives from a business perspective.

Enterprise Architecture
BBL works as an enterprise architecture consulting company closely with the C-level executives and senior management to create architectural descriptions of the organization to ensure common understanding and a shared vision.
At first, We work on a description of the baseline architecture which is the current “as is” situation of the enterprise, and different EA activities to describe the target enterprise architecture architected based on the strategic vision elicitation activities.
We address processes and aspects of the enterprise for planning and governing changes to improve the integrity and flexibility of the enterprise.
Business Borderlines deploys TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Framework.
The architects of our enterprise architecture consulting company will reduce the complexity embedded within large organizations by breaking the organization down into a domain partitioning approach; Business, Data, Applications, and Infrastructure.

Business Architecture
Data Architecture
When enterprise solutions are product or service-eccentric, they overlook one of the most critical aspects of their sustainability and growth; their Data.
Data must be architected as one of the primary domains of enterprise architecture through clearly defined data standards, data governance policies, descriptions of data stores, and data integration from conceptual, logical to physical levels of the data.
BBL data architects will work during our standard discovery phase on the exploration and assessment of your current data structures, data integrity, and data governance policies.
We will address both data in storage and data in motion highlighting the baseline situation of your data emphasizing improvements opportunities applicable within your current enterprise architecture and target state with parallel enhancements in other domains of your enterprise architecture.
Application Architecture
With the huge volumes of heterogeneous data generated and consumed by the numerous and varied business functional units of a modern organization, it is crucial to the organization’s success to ensure that this data is being captured, processed, stored, and utilized to the maximum.
This is a challenging task, and it is rendered more so by the increasing complexity of the modern business processes required to meet today’s customers’ expectations.
Ensuring smooth business operations and seamless flow of information can only be achieved by a carefully considered application architecture developed to serve each organization’s specific operational and information needs.
Business Borderlines Application Architecture services will provide you with:
- Detailed description of the software applications required to serve your business and data needs
- Description of the functions performed by each of these applications
- Description of the data flow and integration required between these applications to ensure accurate decision-making and seamless business operations.
- Definition of the gaps between your existing application base and your optimum application architecture.
Business Borderlines Application Architecture services help you define a clear roadmap to evolve your existing Application Architecture to one optimized to achieve your business objectives.
Infrastructure Architecture
The organization puts a lot of time, effort, and money into acquiring software solutions to serve their business needs, but most consider the solution’s underlying technology as an afterthought.
In many cases, each solution’s underlying technology is selected to serve the solution’s technology requirements, leading to a heterogeneous, highly complex technology infrastructure that is both demanding and costly to manage and operate.
In such environments, optimizing resource utilization, providing high availability, or scaling the technology infrastructure to accommodate the ever-expanding business needs is not only challenging but also involves a significant amount of risk.
To successfully address these challenges, an organization needs to develop and maintain a technology architecture that guides its technology selection, acquisition, and utilization for each acquired information system and software solution. The technology architecture must provide the right level of reliability, scalability, security, and performance for the organization’s needs.
Business Borderlines Technology architecture services provide organizations with just that. Our services provide organizations with a view of the optimum technology architecture for their needs detailing the following:
- The various technology components (Hardware, storage, networking, operating systems, software platforms,etc… required to serve the organization’s current and future needs.
- The relationship of these components to the organization’s existing information systems.
- The composition of the various technology stacks provided by the above-mentioned components.
- Segmentation of various technology architecture components by use (production, staging, testing, development), physical location, and/or activity status (Active, stand-by, backup)
- Network architecture and design.
- Gaps between the current technology architecture and the target technology architecture.
The provided technology architecture helps guide the organization’s acquisition and development of its technology infrastructure and provides the foundation required for better resource utilization, more control, higher flexibility, and improved reliability.